
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Night Reading Concepts

Concepts of B.12 and B.13 Reading
By Kelly Moran

The subatomic world is hidden from us because we can't see them (the tiny atoms) because they're so microscopic. They are even more than microscopic because they can't even be seen with a microscope. In sections B.12 and B.13 I learned that all metal ions are usually positive ions. When copper metal is heated, it gradually reacts with oxygen gas in the air to produce a black substance. Even though it reacts to form black copper oxide when heated, at room temperature the copper rarely ever reacts. Magnesium  metal also reacts with oxygen gas. Unlike copper metal though heated in the air Magnesium quickly burns. It burns in the flash of a light. An activity series are elements ranked in relative order of their chemical reactants usually on a table or graph. Zinc is less reactive then magnesium. In general, reactive metals make ions of a less reactive element (lower in the activity series) to change to neutral atoms. Here is really funny gif!! Hope you guys enjoy! 

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