
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday Homework

Thursday Homework 29-33 pg.79
By Kelly Moran 

29.) a.) Ions and elements are completely different and are nowhere near being chemically similar.

     b.) They are both Oxygen therefore they are both chemically similar they just have different isotopes.

30.) My estimate is my average of the two which is 205 pm.

31.) a.) Bromine.
       b.) Silicon.

32.) Two examples that don't support Mendeleev's periodic table (which is ordered by atomic mass) are copper and nickel and tellurium and iodine.

33.) Magnesium being attached to a piece of the hull of a ship helps the ship from corroding because the salt water will immediately affect the magnesium more since the magnesium is reactive and much more reactive than iron (which is what ships are usually made out of).


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