
Monday, June 30, 2014

Lab Report B.12 Metals

Lab Report B.12 Metals 
By Kelly Moran, Izzy Berrent, Sasha Elie

Data Table

Abstract: In this Lab, we took samples of different metals including Copper, Magnesium, and Zinc. With these metals we observed there appearance before. Copper without any solutions had luster. Magnesium with solution was dull and looked corroded. Zinc had luster without any solutions. We then tested each of the different metals with different solutions including copper nitrate, magnesium nitrate, silver nitrate, and zinc nitrate. With both magnesium nitrate and zinc nitrate none of the metals reacted. But with Copper nitrate magnesium and zinc reacted. Magnesium became dark and overtime grew green mold and changed the liquid to green. Zinc got dark stains after being exposed to copper nitrate. With silver nitrate all of the metals reacted. Zinc turned black, moldy, and fuzzy. Magnesium turned black and started flacking. Copper overtime turned darker and formed black mold. We can conclude that silver nitrate affected all of them since none of the metals were silver elements. 


1.) Magnesium reacted with most solutions.

2.) Copper and Zinc reacted with the least amount of solutions.

3.) Silver metal I don't think would react with silver nitrate since it is it's own substance. I think it would most probably react with copper nitrate since both zinc and magnesium reacted dramatically to it. 

4.) Magnesium, Zinc, and Copper.

5.) a.) the outside of a penny is made with copper instead of zinc because it is less reactive 
     b.) Silver would be a better metal to use for the outside of a penny because it is very nonreactive
     c.) because it is more expensive than copper

6.) a.) We would say that copper would in a free uncombined state in nature because it is very non reactive especially in this lab.
     b.) Zinc is very reactive to all solutions so we would assume that it would be in a combined state in nature.

7.) a.) No because each solution is important in determining the patter of different metallic elements and their chemical and physical properties therefore eliminating a solution would change the data table. 
     b.) Magnesium Nitrate and Zinc nitrate had no reactions with the metals therefore they possibly could be eliminated but we still think that it is important to know that all the metals were non reactive to those solutions. 

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