
Monday, June 23, 2014

Concept for Monday Reading

Main Concepts 
By Kelly Moran

For Monday night's reading we had to read more of section B. In these sections we learned about making graphs depicting trends in a chemical properties and trends in a physical properties. These trends have to do with atomic numbers and are to show patterns in the elements. In the first graph (chemical property) as the atomic numbers get larger the oxygen atoms per atom get larger as well. This same pattern is repeating in the physical property graph but with boiling point. In section B.7, a lot of new vocabulary about the periodic table was introduced. This vocabulary included periods (horizontal rows in the periodic table), periodic relationship (the relationship between the elements in periods), groups (columns in the periodic table). Some examples of a group is the alkali metal family which has six elements and is the first column on the left. The noble gas family is the group on the far right opposite of the alkaline family and consists of a variety of very un-reactive elements. The group right below or to the left of the alkaline family is the halogen family which is the opposite of the the noble gas family in that it's highly reactive. They also form binary compounds with hydrogen. Chemical and physical properties are called periodic properties. Various element properties can be predicted by averaging the properties of the elements located just above and just below an element on the periodic table. Mendeleev predicted many properties in his time this way. In this chapter we mainly read about the periodic table and terms in it and how to start predicting properties. 

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