
Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Night Homework Questions

Homework Questions 11-20 pg 112-113
By Kelly Moran

11.) Most metallic elements are found in mineral form (in the form of cations) because they combine readily with other elements to form ionic compounds. Ionic compounds are usually the solid form that the elements combine to make. 

12.) a.) I used the internet as my source. 
       b.) I determined accurate information from my sources by seeing where the source came from for example whether it came from a college website or a website that specializes in science. I also made the sure the website seemed legitimate through it's look.
      c.) I didn't see bias in most of my sources. I would never use a bias source because that means the source is really about something totally different than chemistry (like religion). 

13.) Sources of information I find to be always correct are sources that have the same answers and facts as other websites. Also they should have clean organized websites with understandable concepts and facts that make sense. 

14.) Collecting inaccurate information can result badly because you could get yourself very confused by learning the wrong information. 

15.) 1.89847E40 

16.) a.) 32 grams/mole 
       b.) 48 grams/mole
       c.) 100 grams/mole
       d.) 58.318 grams/mole
       e.) 180.154 grams/mole

17.) If you have the same number of copper atoms as sodium atoms then the heavier one will have a greater mass but the number of atoms will be the same.

18.) a.) 6.02 * 1023 
          b.) 3.01 * 1023
          c.) 6.02 * 1022

19.) Percent composition of nickel = 8.3
       Percent composition of copper=  91.7 

20.) a.) 29.7 
       b.) 15181.6 
       c.) 4.91....



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