
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday Homework Questions

Homework Questions 11-18 pg. 77
By Kelly Moran

11.) a.) The noble gas family is group located at the far right of the periodic table (opposite of the alkali family).
       b.) One physical property that the noble gas family shares is that they have a low boiling point. They are also colorless. 
      c.) One chemical property that this family shares is that every element is highly un-reactive and do not react to almost any substances. 

12.) a.) MgF
       b.) GaP

13.) The melting point of selenium (estimated) is 283 degrees celsius. I did this by subtracting the difference between the two elements above and below selenium and then dividing the difference into a half and the adding the half to 115 (one of the elements melting points below).

14.) I would expect the boiling point of chlorine to be lower than that of iodine since the boiling point goes from lowest to highest in many of the families for boiling point. These trends vary so it is difficult to assume but that's what I would assume. 

15.) Metals tend to lose electrons while nonmetals tend to gain electrons when forming ions.

16.) a.) Sodium will most likely form an cation ion. 

       b.) Calcium will most likely form an cation ion. 

       c.) Fluorine will most likely form an anion ion.

       d.) Copper will most likely form an anion ion. 

       e.) Oxygen will most likely form an anion ion. 

       f.) Lithium will most likely form an cation ion. 

       g.) Tin will most likely form an anion ion. 

       h.) Iodine will most likely form an anion ion. 

17.) This means that noble gases are non-reactive therefore they don't lose or gain electrons.

18.) a.) Anion

       b.) Neutral 

       c.) Neutral 

       d.) Cation

       e.) Cation 

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