
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Homework Questions

Homework Questions 19-28 pg. 77
By Kelly Moran

19.) a.) Resulted from an ion gaining electrons.
       b.) Neither
       c.) Neither
       d.) Resulted from an ion losing electrons. 
       e.) Resulted from an ion losing electrons.

20.) a.) H is the symbol. Since the protons and electrons are the same it has a neutral charge.
       b.) Na+. It has a positive charge because you have one more proton and than electrons. 
       c.) Cl-. 
       d.) Al+3. 
       a.) KI. Name= Potassium Iodide. 
       b.) CaS. Name= Calcium Sulfide. 
       c.) FeBr3. Name= Iron Bromide.
       d.) Ba(OH)2. Name= Barium Hydroxide.
       e.) (NH4)3 PO4. Name= Ammonium Phosphate.
       f.) Al2O3. Name= Aluminum Oxide.

22.) The periodic table was created by Dimitri Mendeleev to organize elements into groups and periods based on their physical and chemical properties. 

23.) I'd use a bar graph like page 59. 

24.) a.) A data table is helpful before an investigation because it helps you organize your predictions. 
       b.) A data table is helpful during an investigation because it helps you record your observations and data.
       c.) It is important after the investigation because it helps you analyze your data and compare your results to your observations and predictions.

25.) a.) You can see how they form ionic compounds and ions by seeing the models which give us a visual image of how anion and cations combine to form ionic compounds. 
        b.) They're imperfect because they don't show us the actually geometry (arrangement) of the ion. 

26.) a.) Calcium metal will react with chromium (III) chloride solution because it is higher than it on the activity series and will therefor replace the chromium.
       b.) Chromium will not react to calcium chloride solution because chromium is below it on the activity series table.

27.) a.) No reaction because silver is below zinc on the activity series.
       b.) Yes a reaction will occur because zinc is the element in this case and is higher on the activity series than silver therefor the reaction will occur.

28.) a.) You don't wanna stir it because the iron is higher on the activity series than nitrate (II) and a chemical reaction will occur.
       b.) Pb (NO3)+ Fe= Fe(NO3)2 + Pb 




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