
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

                                                             Questions for Chemistry
                                                                     By Kelly Moran
pg. 47

1.) Classify each as a chemical or a physical property.

         a.) Physical property.
         b.) Chemical property.
         c.) Chemical property.
         d.) Physical property.

2.) Classify each as a chemical or a physical property.

         a.) Physical property.
         b.) Physical property.
         c.) Chemical property.
         d.) Chemical property.

3.) Classify each as a chemical or physical change.

        a.) Chemical change.
        b.) Chemical change.
        c.) Physical change.
        d.) Physical change.

4.)  Classify each as a chemical or physical change.
       a.) Chemical change.
       b.) Physical change.
       c.) Physical change.
       d.) Physical change.

5.) Give evidence for answers on question four.
        a.) An apple turning brown is a chemical change because it is permanent color change that chemically changes the apple to look and taste different.
        b.) Flashlight batteries loosing their charge is a physical change because their is no new substances that occur but instead the electric charge just ends.
        c.) It is a physical change because no new substances are formed but instead the oils on the clothes are taken away and the clothes are not changed at all.
        d.) It is a physical change because no new substances are formed but instead two substances are just separated.

Predictions on pg. 25

Investigation 1 Predictions: Nothing will happen to the paper on the watch glass.

Investigation 2 Predictions: The paper will turn into ashes on the watch glass and will be a much smaller size.

Investigation 3 Predictions: The universal indicator that mixed with vinegar will change to an acid color and the universal indicator that has aumonia in it will change to a base color.

4 Predictions: It'll turn a neutral color which is green.

5 Predictions: The Blue Crystals will become smaller and nothing else.

6 Predictions: The mass will not change.

7 Predictions: The Tea light glass will be hot and the wax on the inside will melt into liquid.

8 Predictions: Some of the wax on the top will melt into liquid and the glass will become hot.

9 Predictions: Bubbles will form in the vinegar like fizz in coke.

10 Predictions: There will be no bubbles.

11 Predictions: Bubbles will form.

12 Predictions: The volume of the water will be smaller without the pennies and larger with the pennies.

13 Predictions: Nothing will happen to the iron nail.

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