
Monday, June 30, 2014

Lab Report B.12 Metals

Lab Report B.12 Metals 
By Kelly Moran, Izzy Berrent, Sasha Elie

Data Table

Abstract: In this Lab, we took samples of different metals including Copper, Magnesium, and Zinc. With these metals we observed there appearance before. Copper without any solutions had luster. Magnesium with solution was dull and looked corroded. Zinc had luster without any solutions. We then tested each of the different metals with different solutions including copper nitrate, magnesium nitrate, silver nitrate, and zinc nitrate. With both magnesium nitrate and zinc nitrate none of the metals reacted. But with Copper nitrate magnesium and zinc reacted. Magnesium became dark and overtime grew green mold and changed the liquid to green. Zinc got dark stains after being exposed to copper nitrate. With silver nitrate all of the metals reacted. Zinc turned black, moldy, and fuzzy. Magnesium turned black and started flacking. Copper overtime turned darker and formed black mold. We can conclude that silver nitrate affected all of them since none of the metals were silver elements. 


1.) Magnesium reacted with most solutions.

2.) Copper and Zinc reacted with the least amount of solutions.

3.) Silver metal I don't think would react with silver nitrate since it is it's own substance. I think it would most probably react with copper nitrate since both zinc and magnesium reacted dramatically to it. 

4.) Magnesium, Zinc, and Copper.

5.) a.) the outside of a penny is made with copper instead of zinc because it is less reactive 
     b.) Silver would be a better metal to use for the outside of a penny because it is very nonreactive
     c.) because it is more expensive than copper

6.) a.) We would say that copper would in a free uncombined state in nature because it is very non reactive especially in this lab.
     b.) Zinc is very reactive to all solutions so we would assume that it would be in a combined state in nature.

7.) a.) No because each solution is important in determining the patter of different metallic elements and their chemical and physical properties therefore eliminating a solution would change the data table. 
     b.) Magnesium Nitrate and Zinc nitrate had no reactions with the metals therefore they possibly could be eliminated but we still think that it is important to know that all the metals were non reactive to those solutions. 

Monday Night Homework Questions

Homework Questions 11-20 pg 112-113
By Kelly Moran

11.) Most metallic elements are found in mineral form (in the form of cations) because they combine readily with other elements to form ionic compounds. Ionic compounds are usually the solid form that the elements combine to make. 

12.) a.) I used the internet as my source. 
       b.) I determined accurate information from my sources by seeing where the source came from for example whether it came from a college website or a website that specializes in science. I also made the sure the website seemed legitimate through it's look.
      c.) I didn't see bias in most of my sources. I would never use a bias source because that means the source is really about something totally different than chemistry (like religion). 

13.) Sources of information I find to be always correct are sources that have the same answers and facts as other websites. Also they should have clean organized websites with understandable concepts and facts that make sense. 

14.) Collecting inaccurate information can result badly because you could get yourself very confused by learning the wrong information. 

15.) 1.89847E40 

16.) a.) 32 grams/mole 
       b.) 48 grams/mole
       c.) 100 grams/mole
       d.) 58.318 grams/mole
       e.) 180.154 grams/mole

17.) If you have the same number of copper atoms as sodium atoms then the heavier one will have a greater mass but the number of atoms will be the same.

18.) a.) 6.02 * 1023 
          b.) 3.01 * 1023
          c.) 6.02 * 1022

19.) Percent composition of nickel = 8.3
       Percent composition of copper=  91.7 

20.) a.) 29.7 
       b.) 15181.6 
       c.) 4.91....



Concept from Weekend Reading

Concept from Reading C.1-C.5
By Kelly Moran

In the weekend reading I learned a lot about metal resources, it's uses, the layers of the earth, and the composition of materials. First of, the quantity of each metal produced varies. For example, nearly 100 times more aluminum is produced worldwide than tin. China holds the greatest mass in Table 1.4 of all the substances mentioned. I also learned about the three layers of the earth which are the Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Lithosphere. The atmosphere provides us with nitrogen and oxygen minerals. The Hydrosphere provides us with water and dissolved minerals. Lastly, the lithosphere, which is made  up of a crust, a mantle, and core, is the solid part of the earth that provides us with greatest variety of chemical resources with which almost all our everyday products are made from. An ore is a naturally occurring rock that can be mined and often contains minerals in it that are very valuable. Occurring collections of ores in the lithosphere are called deposits. The components in ore deposits consist of minerals. The United States has had an advantage in terms of mineral resources because we have so many mines and outlets to find minerals. But in recent years, the United States had decided to import most of it's mineral resources. In mineral resources you must decide the importance of it and wisest use for it. For example, the quantity of the ore, percent of metal in the ore, type of mining needed to extract, and much more. Before old mines we not valuable for mineral resources because it was to difficult to extract the little amount of minerals from the ore but now new technology has come out to extract the 1 percent of Iron from an ore easily. The percent by mass of each component found in a sample is called its mineral composition. These are the important concepts from the weekend reading. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Weekend Homework Questions

Homework Questions Section C: 1-10 pg. 112
By Kelly Moran

1.) The Atmosphere, the top layer of the earth, provides us with nitrogen and oxygen. 
     The Hydrosphere, ocean and water approximately, provides us with water and some dissolved minerals.
     Lastly the lithosphere, the crust of the earth, provides us with petroleum and metal-bearing ores. 

2.) a.) Three major parts of the lithosphere include the crust (which is the outside of the mantle and includes compounds of metal as well as Oxides, Carbonates, Coal, Oil, and Natural Gases), mantle (outside the crust and is the outside of the core of the earth), and lastly the core (Earth's center that contains Iron and Nickel metals). 
     b.) The main layer that serves as the storehouse for chemical resources is the lithosphere layer. 

3.) a.) Peru produces the most silver.
     b.) Chile produces the most copper.
     c.) China produces the most tin.

4.) China produces the largest mass out of the other countries of the listed resources. 

5.) Minerals differ from ores because ores are natural rocks/solid substances while minerals are the components that make up the ores. 

6.) What determines the feasibility of a metallic ore is the quantity of useful ore found at the site, percent of metal in the ore, type of mining and processing needed to extract the metal from it's ore, and much more.

7.) The factors that may have caused this very old mine to reopen for further mining is the fact that new technology has come out to separate little percents metal from the ores easily. 

8.) This means an ore that is useful for the purpose. For example, a copper ore is only useful if you're looking for copper. Each mine is looking for a different substance in the ores.

9.) Active metals are more difficult to process and refine because the more reactive a metal the greater tendency it has to form positive ions in a chemical reaction. Also it is much more difficult and expensive to extract active metals from it's ore and metal is also more susceptible to corrosion and rust.

10.) Since we haven't done the experiment yet but my prediction is that the non active metals will be the easiest to process since it is known that active metals are very difficult to process. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday Homework

Thursday Homework 29-33 pg.79
By Kelly Moran 

29.) a.) Ions and elements are completely different and are nowhere near being chemically similar.

     b.) They are both Oxygen therefore they are both chemically similar they just have different isotopes.

30.) My estimate is my average of the two which is 205 pm.

31.) a.) Bromine.
       b.) Silicon.

32.) Two examples that don't support Mendeleev's periodic table (which is ordered by atomic mass) are copper and nickel and tellurium and iodine.

33.) Magnesium being attached to a piece of the hull of a ship helps the ship from corroding because the salt water will immediately affect the magnesium more since the magnesium is reactive and much more reactive than iron (which is what ships are usually made out of).


Lab Pictures from Yesterday

Lab from Yesterday!
By Kelly Moran 

                                                          Shows roller coaster patter with Physical properties.
                                                                  Chemical property (oxygen atoms per atom) shows roller coaster pattern
Danielle, Amy, and me organized our data cards into an order that resembled what Mendeleev did with the Periodic Table. We organized it in a way that resembled both physical and chemical properties because it goes in order of atomic mass (physical prop) and o and oxide (chemical prop).

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Night Reading Concepts

Concepts of B.12 and B.13 Reading
By Kelly Moran

The subatomic world is hidden from us because we can't see them (the tiny atoms) because they're so microscopic. They are even more than microscopic because they can't even be seen with a microscope. In sections B.12 and B.13 I learned that all metal ions are usually positive ions. When copper metal is heated, it gradually reacts with oxygen gas in the air to produce a black substance. Even though it reacts to form black copper oxide when heated, at room temperature the copper rarely ever reacts. Magnesium  metal also reacts with oxygen gas. Unlike copper metal though heated in the air Magnesium quickly burns. It burns in the flash of a light. An activity series are elements ranked in relative order of their chemical reactants usually on a table or graph. Zinc is less reactive then magnesium. In general, reactive metals make ions of a less reactive element (lower in the activity series) to change to neutral atoms. Here is really funny gif!! Hope you guys enjoy! 

Wednesday Homework Questions

Homework Questions 19-28 pg. 77
By Kelly Moran

19.) a.) Resulted from an ion gaining electrons.
       b.) Neither
       c.) Neither
       d.) Resulted from an ion losing electrons. 
       e.) Resulted from an ion losing electrons.

20.) a.) H is the symbol. Since the protons and electrons are the same it has a neutral charge.
       b.) Na+. It has a positive charge because you have one more proton and than electrons. 
       c.) Cl-. 
       d.) Al+3. 
       a.) KI. Name= Potassium Iodide. 
       b.) CaS. Name= Calcium Sulfide. 
       c.) FeBr3. Name= Iron Bromide.
       d.) Ba(OH)2. Name= Barium Hydroxide.
       e.) (NH4)3 PO4. Name= Ammonium Phosphate.
       f.) Al2O3. Name= Aluminum Oxide.

22.) The periodic table was created by Dimitri Mendeleev to organize elements into groups and periods based on their physical and chemical properties. 

23.) I'd use a bar graph like page 59. 

24.) a.) A data table is helpful before an investigation because it helps you organize your predictions. 
       b.) A data table is helpful during an investigation because it helps you record your observations and data.
       c.) It is important after the investigation because it helps you analyze your data and compare your results to your observations and predictions.

25.) a.) You can see how they form ionic compounds and ions by seeing the models which give us a visual image of how anion and cations combine to form ionic compounds. 
        b.) They're imperfect because they don't show us the actually geometry (arrangement) of the ion. 

26.) a.) Calcium metal will react with chromium (III) chloride solution because it is higher than it on the activity series and will therefor replace the chromium.
       b.) Chromium will not react to calcium chloride solution because chromium is below it on the activity series table.

27.) a.) No reaction because silver is below zinc on the activity series.
       b.) Yes a reaction will occur because zinc is the element in this case and is higher on the activity series than silver therefor the reaction will occur.

28.) a.) You don't wanna stir it because the iron is higher on the activity series than nitrate (II) and a chemical reaction will occur.
       b.) Pb (NO3)+ Fe= Fe(NO3)2 + Pb