
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday Homework

Wednesday Homework 
By Kelly Moran

#24-26 pg. 294

24.) Octane (CH8H18) has the highest boiling point, Hexane has the 2nd highest, Pentane has the 3rd highest, and Methane has the lowest boiling point. The amount of carbon atoms determines the boiling point. If there are more carbon atoms the boiling point will be higher and if there are less it will have a lower boiling point. 

25.) a.) 


26.) a.) A long straight chain would have a lower boiling point because the more bonds the more weaker it is therefore the boiling point lowers.

       b.) A long branched chain would have the lower boiling point because the branched chains always have the lower boiling points. 

      c.) A short branched chain would have the lower boiling point because branched chains have lower boiling points than straight chains. 

1-6 pg. 282

1.) a.) The data (hydrocarbons) in table 3.3 are organized in alphabetical order. 

     b.) It's useful in that if its organized in alphabetical order the hydrocarbons are easier to find but it's non-useful in that it's harder to find the lowest boiling point and the highest boiling point and it doesn't show the relationship between the carbon atoms and the boiling point. 

2.) a.) A way that's easiest to organize this data is going from lowest boiling point to highest boiling point. 


3.) Butane, Ethane, Methane, Propane 

4.) You can infer that the boiling point is less than 22 degrees celsius. 

5.) Pentane.

6.) You can infer the intermolecular forces among butane molecules are much weaker than those of among decane molecules because the hydrocarbons that are lower in boiling point will always have weaker intermolecular forces and the ones that have a higher boiling points will always be stronger.  

6-8 pg. 286


7.) a.) 
            i.) Heptane
            ii.) Nonane 

       b.) Heptane= C7H16
            Nonane= C9H20 

8.) a.) C25H52
     b.) I decided to write the molecular formula because it's easier and takes shorter amount of time to comprehend. 

20-22 pg. 295

20.) They are not isomers of each other because all of the depictions are the same. In order for it to be an isomer all the depictions (straight branch vs branched) must be different but still represent the same molecule. 


22.) Ethane


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