
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Chemistry Weekend Homework

Chemistry Weekend Homework
By Kelly Moran

1.) A hydrocarbon is a molecular compound that contain only atoms of hydrogen and carbon and are usually in a mixture with other hydrocarbons to make refined petroleum.

2.) To refine a natural resource means to change a resource from it's natural non-useful form to a useful form (a way in which people can use). Oil to Gasoline would be an example.

3.) Characteristics of petroleum that make it a viable resource are one that is a nonrenewable resource because oil burns and changes and does not stay the same (meaning once we've used it, it's gone and there is a storage of it underground) and secondly petroleum is very important because it makes gasoline for cars and helps our world modernize as a whole. 

4.) This is not likely because petroleum takes millions of years to produce and often gets combined with rocks in the wells. Afterwards, the oil must then be transported and refined to become refined petroleum. 

5.) When saying oil is crude means it is from underground and is in it's rawest form (meaning it hasn't been refined yet).

6.) a.) 11% 
     b.) 89%
7.) Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Coal are examples of of fuels obtained from crude petroleum.

8.) a.) Candles, soap, cleaning chemicals, and the gas from under the stove. 
     b.) None of the first three could be substituted but possibly for the stove without gas we'd just use a fire to cook the food. 

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