
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Concepts from Tuesday Night Reading

Concepts from Reading

In section C.10- C.15 of the reading, I learned about mining and refining, reduction and oxidation, Redox processes, and the life cycle of a material. When an ore is refined it means an element need is taken out of the ore. In metallurgy, refining means to use various methods to take the element out of its ore. When a reactant can be considered to gain one or more electrons is called a reduction. When a reactant looses one or more electrons it is called oxidation. When oxidation and reduction occur together it is called a redox reaction or an oxidation-reduction reaction. A reactant that provides electrons is known as a reducing agent. A reactant involved in removing electrons from the oxidized reactant is called the oxidizing agent. Electrometallurgy (electric current use), Pyrometallurgy (heat use), and Hydrometallurgy (water solution) are all different ways of getting metallic elements of there ore. Dot structure is when each dot represents one of the elements in a redox reaction. Cathode is where  reduction takes place. Anode is the ultimate source of electrons in an electrochemical process. A material's life cycle goes through the process of raw materials, synthesis and processing, engineered materials, product design, applications and agriculture, and then goes to waste or recycle and restarts to whole process over again. These are the main concepts from Tuesday night's reading. 

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