
Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Homework

Monday Homework
By Kelly Moran
pg.354 #10-11

10.) 2H2O + O2 ➝ 2H2O 

11.) a.) C5H12 + 8 O2 ➝ 5 CO2 + 6 H2O
     b.) C3H8 +  5 O2 ➝ 3 CO2 +  4  H2O

     c.) C5H12 + 8 O2 ➝ 5 CO2 +   6  H2O

1,4 pg.336 

1.) a.) Pulling apart magnets is similar to breaking chemical bonds because chemical bonds are very strongly held together like a magnet therefore the break apart of them is similar to pulling apart magnets.
     b.) Pulling apart magnets requires energy.  

     c.) The energy involved in pulling apart magnets is analogous to the energy involved in breaking apart bonds because both use energy in order to break apart strong holds between two substances.
      d.) This is similar to energy involved in making chemical bonds because energy is required to make chemical bonds which are similar to magnets and if you pulled chemical bonds apart they would come back to each other because like magnets energy creates forces that pull them together. 

4.) a.) It is unsafe to say that the chemical reactions that produced the fossil fuels are endothermic because they are actually exothermic because new substances are always created when something is burned and tons of energy goes into making those new substances (the new chemical bonds that are formed). 

      b.) The sun is the origin of the energy required to make fossil fuel molecules. 

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