
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Monday Night Reading Concepts

Monday Night Reading A.4-A.9
By Kelly Moran

In these sections from A.4 through A.7 I learned many new concepts. A carbon footprint is the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted based upon individual activities. The separation of liquid substances according to their differing boiling points is called distillation. Each purified/condensed liquid component is called a distillate. More than two distinct mixtures of liquid are called fractions. Fractional distillation is a process of distillation that produces many mixtures of half distilled liquids. It produces Gases, Gasoline, Light distillates, Intermediate distillates, Heavy distillates, and Residues. Simple distillation is a different process of purifying liquids because it only purifies two liquids and they are completely distilled afterwards unlike fractional distillation which produces many liquids that are not completely distilled afterwards. Molecular formulas specify the number of each atom type within a molecule. There is specific number of hydrocarbons called alkanes. Formulas provide convenient information about how atoms are arranged in molecules. These are called condensed formulas. I also learned the table with members of the Alkane series and memorized and learned how to calculate how many hydrogen atoms you'd get with each carbon atom. You multiply the subscript of carbon by two and add two. These are all the main concepts and terms I learned from last nights reading!

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