
Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Homework

Monday Homework Section D 1-4
By Kelly Moran

Question #3 (pg. 121)

3.) a.) 2 Hydrogen Chlorides plus one Magnesium make a product of two hydrogens plus Magnesium Chloride because Magnesium is reactive to Hydrogen chloride therefore making a new substance. 
    b.) In the reactants Hydrogen Chloride is a compound and Magnesium is an element and in the reactants Hydrogen is an element and Magnesium Chloride is a compound.

Questions 1-4 pg. 125- 126 Section D.4

1.) a.) One molecule of methane plus two molecules of oxygen yield to one molecule of carbon dioxide plus 2 molecules of water.

     c.) There is 1 atom of carbon, 4 atoms of hydrogen, and 4 atoms of oxygen on the reactant side while on the product side there is 1 atom of carbon, 4 atoms of hydrogen, and 4 atoms of oxygen.
     d.) It is balanced.

2.) a.) One molecule of hydrogen bromide plus magnesium yield to one molecule of hydrogen plus one formula unit magnesium bromide.

      c.) There is 1 atom of hydrogen, 1 atom of bromide, and 1 atom of magnesium on the reactant side while on the product side there is 2 atoms of hydrogen , 1 atom of magnesium, and 2 atoms of bromide. 
      d.) It is not balanced. 

3.) a.) 4 atoms of Silver plus 4 molecules of hydrogen sulfide plus 1 molecule of oxygen yield 2 formula units of Silver Sulfide plus 4 molecules water. 

     c.) On the reactants side there are 4 atoms of silver plus 8 atoms of Hydrogen plus 2 atoms of sulfur plus 2 atoms of oxygen yield to 4 atoms of silver plus plus 2 atoms of sulfur plus 8 atoms of Hydrogen and 2 atoms of Oxygen. 
     d.) It is balanced. 

4.) a.) One formula unit of Iron Oxide plus 3 molecules of Carbon Dioxide yield 2 atoms of Iron plus 3 molecules of Carbon Dioxide. 
    c.) On the reactants side there are 2 iron atoms, 6 oxygen atoms,  and 3 carbon atoms while on the product side there are 2 iron atoms, 3 carbon atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms. 
     d.) It is balanced. 

1-3 Section Review



3.) The Law of conservation of matter like many scientific laws, summarizes what has been learned by careful observation of nature. It is basically the concluding part to all of our labs. 

5.) a.) There is on atom of tin, one atom of hydrogen, and one atom of Fluorine on the reactant side and on the product side there is one atom of tin, two atoms of fluorine, and two atoms of hydrogen.
     b.) On the reactant side, there is on atom of silicon, two atoms of oxygen and one atom of carbon while the product  has one atom of silicon, two atoms of carbon, and one atom of oxygen. 
    c.) There is one atom of aluminum, three atoms of oxygen, six atoms of hydrogen, and one atom of chlorine while on the product side there is one atom of aluminum, three atoms of chlorine, 6 atoms of hydrogen, and 3 atoms of oxygen. 

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