
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Night Homework

Tuesday Night Homework
By Kelly Moran

1-5 pg. 383

1.) Biomolecules are molecules made by living things such as plants and animals.

2.) a.) Biomass 
     b.) Coal
     c.) Petroleum

3.) Three fuels that contain biomolecules used for energy are wood, bees wax, and ethanol. 

4.) The sun.

5.) Three technological factors that explain this is one the difficulty in finding the petroleum (under the ground), getting it (didn't have the drilling tools to dig it up), and lastly even if they did dig it up they didn't know what to do with it because they didn't have the right materials to refine it. 

17-20 pg. 355

17.) a.) Forest fire, animals
       b.) Oceans, fossil fuels
       c.) burning fuels, reproduction (because more people = more CO2)

18.) A particular carbon atom can be apart of the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere because we exhale CO2 which brings it into the atmosphere, CO2 dissolves in ocean water which is the hydrosphere, plants take in CO2 which makes it part of the biosphere, and lastly plants when buried  are part of the lithosphere and can have CO2 from what they took in. 

19.) CO2 + 2 H2O ➝ CH4 + 2 O2   (biosphere to lithosphere)

20.) a.) As the temperature goes up, the water evaporates and turns into a greenhouse gas therefore the temperature may go up.
       b.) Water vapor would make clouds which would reflect radiation which make the temperature cooler. 

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