
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday Night Homework

Thursday Homework 13-20
By Kelly Moran

13.) Carbon is the nonmetal component of both steel and stainless steal. 

14.) Ni3Al is a well- defined alloy compound that has a low density, malleability, and is used as a component of jet aircraft engines. 

15.) Sustainability are the practices and processes of present day activities that preserve the ability of future generations to live, thrive, and meet their resource needs on Earth.

16.) a.) Reusing refers to the process of using an old object again as the same thing or changing it so that you can use it in a new affective different way. Recycling refers to the process of breaking an object down into it's rawest form and making it into something totally different.
       b.) One example of reusing is keeping the same plastic bag that you have for lunch everyday and never throwing it away. An example of recycling is throwing a plastic bag into the recycling bin where it can then be turned into a water bottle or something else totally different. 

17.) a.) Four examples of renewable resources include wood, water, fruits and vegetables, and anything that grows on a plant or tree. 
       b.) Nonrenewable resources include oil, coal, natural gases (from gas wells), and solids like gold aluminum, copper, zinc, and much more.

18.) a.) Reusing
       b.) Recycling
       c.) Reusing

19.) The life cycle of a light bulb would be similar to that of a newspaper in that they should both be recycled and are able to be made into different things since light bulbs contain glass and newspaper is wood. They are different though in that many light bulbs like fluorescent tube light bulbs are needed to be recycled in a special way and may be handled differently when recycled since they contain mercury vapor (which is neurotoxin) and are dangerous fumes. Also light bulbs and newspaper are two totally different things (one conducts electricity and shatters  and the other is a natural renewable source that tears). 

20.) Scientific law (Law of Conservation of Matter) is much different from a law that the government issues because those laws from the government are changeable but scientific law is what it is and doesn't change. The law of conservation of matter is unchangeable and is fact. 


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