
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Global Cooling Science Report

Global Cooling Science Report
By Kelly Moran

Global cooling was a popular conjecture during the 1970's that claimed that soon the world would go through another ice age. The popular myth had little scientific support but gained popularity through slight differing temperatures from the 1940's through the 1970's. The temperature had lowered through this period. Since 1945, temperatures started lowering on Earth even though many scientists believed in future warming  of the earth due to Greenhouse gases. The general public during this time period were not aware that the release of carbon dioxide could cause the Earth to become warmer. The theory of Global cooling came during the 1970's but was immediately opposed by science magazines which  claimed that Greenhouse gases would in fact increase global temperatures and right at this time the trend of downward temperatures changed to increasing temperatures. Currently though, there are many concerns about regional cooling due to the shutdown of thermohaline which is a side effect of global warming. This theory states that once global temperatures get high enough, fresh water will be coming into the North Atlantic and melt glaciers and because of this there will be a shutdown of thermohaline circulation. This could trigger localized cooling in the North Atlantic. Although this theory has been out for a bit, it has been proven to be untrue because even in models where the THC weakens global warming still continues. There is also another theory in which both global warming and global cooling are uncontrollable among humans. For instance like the ice age, there will be stages that the earth goes through from the sun and there is nothing humans can do about those stages. There are certain patterns that the earth goes through with temperatures therefore many scientists think that global cooling and warming are patterns that we cannot control. It is possible that we are going through a global warming stage right now that could possibly be the opposite of the ice age. The coming ice age was supposedly coming in the 70's but now it seems that a heat age is coming. Of course another theory (the most popular theory) with global warming is that greenhouse gases are released from automobiles, people, and other burnings of natural gases which all together create more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which makes temperatures on the earth rise. Thank you! 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday Night Homework

Wednesday Night Homework
By Kelly Moran

pg. 412 


10.) This liquid should be classified as a solution because if no particles sank to the bottom then the molecules are mixed together which is what a solution is and also with a solution a light shines right through it unlike a colloid and in the example given the light shines through the substance revealing it is a solution. 

13.) a.) 2.11%

        b.) 0.009% 

14.) 1.) Oceans
       2.) Glaciers 
       3.) Water Vapor
       4.) Rivers

15.) Water is a renewable resource because water goes through a cycle. It is evaporated from the ocean and then fills up the clouds in the sky. Once clouds are completely full of water vapor, it rains and the water rolls down back into the ocean where the whole cycle repeats itself over again. We cannot gain or loose water because it just goes in this cycle which is why it's considered a renewable resource. 

16.) It possible that a molecule of water you drank was once swallowed by a dinosaur because water is a renewable resource and goes through a cycle. We cannot gain or loose water but simply recycle it. Water is basically always recycled which means the water you drink possible could have been drunk by a dinosaur millions of years ago. 

pg. 495

1.) To purify water means to separate water from it's bacteria or any other contamination that's not H2O. 

2.) Three techniques for purifying water include boiling, distillation, and disinfecting by using chlorine solution. 

3.) Bacteria, minerals, and any other non H2O molecules.  

4.) a.) There is way too much salt in seawater for it to be completely purified and used for drinking water.
     b.) To make seawater suitable for drinking it would need to be boiled. 


6.) No water has been gained or lost over the millions of years on the earth. Water is a renewable resource on the earth that goes through a cycle. 

7.) A situation where this would be true is in Africa. In Africa they have plenty of water but none of the water is clean because they cannot afford factories to purify the water for drinking purposes. 

8.) If water evaporation stopped we would not have anymore water on the earth and the water cycle would completely end. Water would only be in the ocean and few lakes on the earth. 

11.) Aluminum hydroxide creates gels which clump certain molecules together to separate the colloids out of a liquid. 

12.) Calcium oxide is often added in the final steps of municipal water treatment to stop corrosion of the water pipes. 

13.) 1 ppm of Fluoride is added to the treated water because this is because it stops tooth decay. 

18.) Chlorinated drinking water is better than untreated water because you can get many diseases from the bacteria in it. 

19.) Chlorinated water is bad because it creates trihalomethane's which are bad for the human body. 

Tuesday Night Reading Concepts

Tuesday Reading Concepts and Terms
By Kelly Moran

The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon atoms within Earth's ecosystems, from carbon storage as plant and animal matter, through release as carbon dioxide due to cellular respiration, combustion, and decay, to reacquisition by plants, a carbon atom can go through all the different spheres. Global warming is a theory that states that with more people using automobiles and things that release carbon dioxide the earth will heat up and cause disasters to the earth. A limiting reactant limits the amount of hydrocarbon that can be completely burned. Cellular respiration is reverse photosynthesis. The energy released by cellular respiration is used by organisms to power internal energy-consuming processes, including forming other organic molecules. Such organic molecules found in plants and animals are called biomolecules. Energy efficiency refers to the use of smaller quantities of energy to achieve the same effect. These are all the terms I learned from C.6-C.12 and D.1-D.2! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Night Homework

Tuesday Night Homework
By Kelly Moran

1-5 pg. 383

1.) Biomolecules are molecules made by living things such as plants and animals.

2.) a.) Biomass 
     b.) Coal
     c.) Petroleum

3.) Three fuels that contain biomolecules used for energy are wood, bees wax, and ethanol. 

4.) The sun.

5.) Three technological factors that explain this is one the difficulty in finding the petroleum (under the ground), getting it (didn't have the drilling tools to dig it up), and lastly even if they did dig it up they didn't know what to do with it because they didn't have the right materials to refine it. 

17-20 pg. 355

17.) a.) Forest fire, animals
       b.) Oceans, fossil fuels
       c.) burning fuels, reproduction (because more people = more CO2)

18.) A particular carbon atom can be apart of the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere because we exhale CO2 which brings it into the atmosphere, CO2 dissolves in ocean water which is the hydrosphere, plants take in CO2 which makes it part of the biosphere, and lastly plants when buried  are part of the lithosphere and can have CO2 from what they took in. 

19.) CO2 + 2 H2O ➝ CH4 + 2 O2   (biosphere to lithosphere)

20.) a.) As the temperature goes up, the water evaporates and turns into a greenhouse gas therefore the temperature may go up.
       b.) Water vapor would make clouds which would reflect radiation which make the temperature cooler. 

Monday Reading Concepts

Monday Reading Concepts 
By Kelly Moran

With abundant oxygen gas and combustion, the burning of a hydrocarbon yield to Carbon dioxide, water, and thermal energy. Thermal energy is written as a product of the reaction because energy is released when a hydrocarbon burns. The combustion of a hydrocarbon is a highly exothermic reaction because whenever you burn something a new bond is formed and often contains more energy than the reactant. In order to calculate the amount of thermal energy, you must use the molar heat of combustion.  In a chemical equation the total thermal energy must correspond to the amounts of all other reactants and products involved. Because of this, the total thermal energy released will be twice that quantity released when one mole of ethane burns. Heats of combustion can also be expressed as the energy involved when one gram of hydrocarbon burns. This information is useful in finding out how much energy is released when a certain mass of fuel is burned. These are all the main concepts and terms I learned from section C.5! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Homework

Monday Homework
By Kelly Moran
pg.354 #10-11

10.) 2H2O + O2 ➝ 2H2O 

11.) a.) C5H12 + 8 O2 ➝ 5 CO2 + 6 H2O
     b.) C3H8 +  5 O2 ➝ 3 CO2 +  4  H2O

     c.) C5H12 + 8 O2 ➝ 5 CO2 +   6  H2O

1,4 pg.336 

1.) a.) Pulling apart magnets is similar to breaking chemical bonds because chemical bonds are very strongly held together like a magnet therefore the break apart of them is similar to pulling apart magnets.
     b.) Pulling apart magnets requires energy.  

     c.) The energy involved in pulling apart magnets is analogous to the energy involved in breaking apart bonds because both use energy in order to break apart strong holds between two substances.
      d.) This is similar to energy involved in making chemical bonds because energy is required to make chemical bonds which are similar to magnets and if you pulled chemical bonds apart they would come back to each other because like magnets energy creates forces that pull them together. 

4.) a.) It is unsafe to say that the chemical reactions that produced the fossil fuels are endothermic because they are actually exothermic because new substances are always created when something is burned and tons of energy goes into making those new substances (the new chemical bonds that are formed). 

      b.) The sun is the origin of the energy required to make fossil fuel molecules. 

Weekend Reading Concepts

Weekend Reading Concepts C.2-C.4
By Kelly Moran

In this past weekend's reading, I learned many new terms and concepts. Potential energy is energy of the position or condition (for example a bolder on top of a hill) and kinetic energy is energy related to the motion. Chemical energy is another form of potential energy and is stored in chemical compounds. The reaction in a chemical reaction releases thermal energy. Thermal energy is the part of total potential energy and kinetic energy of an object and is heat releasing energy. In a chemical reaction, the bond-breaking part is an energy requiring process called an endothermic change. The formation of chemical bonds is an energy releasing process called an exothermic change. The Law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed in any mechanical, physical, or chemical process. The quantity of thermal energy given off when a certain amount of a substance burns is called heat of combustion. If the amount of substance burned is one mole, the quantity of thermal energy involved is called the molar heat of combustion. These are all the main concepts and terms from last weekend's reading!